So you are a beginner ukulele player and don’t really know where to start! Here I am with a free ukulele lesson to help you get started on this amazing instrument.

When you start holding a ukulele you will see that it can be held in many ways. The standard way of holding it would be to balance it between your right forearm, left hand and tummy (watch the video to understand this concept better!). Alternatively, you can also rest the ukulele on your right thigh but this more of a guitar technique.

Most likely the first problem you will encounter is your ukulele being out of tune.
The easiest way to solve this is using a clip-on tuner. Sometimes they come in the same package as the ukulele, but if you don’t have one have a look at this article to see which one to buy.

Once your ukulele is tuned you can start strumming! It is very simple and you only need your index finger and then you are ready to make some music…

Ukulele gives you instant gratification; in fact you only need five or ten minutes to learn how to play a few chords! In the video tutorial we get started with the chords of C, F and G. This is because they are some of the most common chords and will allow you to play loads of songs! 

The first exercise will be useful to learn how to change chords in time, which is perhaps the trickiest part. Whilst learning the chords will take you few minutes, it is the ability of changing between them that will require more effort. 

Have a look at the video for more insight but be prepared to spend five to ten minutes for a few days in order to master this.

To sum up, these are some general tips on how to get started on ukulele. However, if you want something tailored to your needs why not book a free 30 minute Skype lesson?

Learn ukulele online from the comfort of your home. Visit and book a convenient time slot.

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