Imagine how cool it would be to post videos of you playing music on Instagram or how fun it would be to gather with your friends to play and sing together.
Today I am going to tell you why the ukulele is the best instrument to get started when learning music. I am going to cover:
- How to have quick results on the ukulele;
- The benefits of learning the ukulele;
- The best way to learn ukulele.
If you speak to any beginner ukulele player they will tell you that they are able to strum chords as soon they pick up the instrument. All they need is a bit of guidance whether it’s a booklet, a Skype ukulele lesson or a YouTube video.
The ukulele has nylon strings and this really helps to play without any discomfort in your fingertips. In addition, the narrow neck makes it easy to play all chords shapes.
If you still have doubts about the ukulele know that you can get a ukulele with as little as $20.
It is a very versatile instrument. Whilst most beginner players will mostly focus on strumming chords, the ukulele is a great solo instrument to cover songs of any style.
For example, have a look at this ukulele version of ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica.
It is great for playing and sing-alongs with your friends. Moreover, all of the techniques that you will learn can be later transferred to guitar.
The Ukulele is a great instrument to be learned from the comfort of your own home, with many YouTube lessons available. Currently, number one ukulele teacher John ‘The Ukulele Teacher’ Atkins has plenty of great tutorials for any style and he enjoys an astonishing 1.3 million subscribers.
Check him out at
Skype ukulele lesson is another way to learn. This way, you will learn faster and with a personalized path. In fact, a ukulele teacher can design individual lessons for your exact needs. In addition, you could choose the songs you want to learn and avoid common mistakes that beginner ukulele players make.
This is probably the best time to get started on the ukulele as the instrument enjoys a very wide popularity and the number of available resources are outstanding.
The easiness and immediate gratification that the ukulele possesses are the best reasons why you should start today. In addition, the ridiculously cheap price makes it an unmissable chance to finally learn how to play music.
What is stopping you from learning ukulele? What do you think your biggest challenge would be?
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